
A Month Without Groceries (items sold at a grocery store)


Every now and then I like to spice my life up trying out new experiments with my kids.  I think my experiments are fun and they add a little extra interest to our daily routine.  My first one was a “Can we go a week without electricity”.  The kids and I loved it, I learned a lot of things but my husband hated it and we had to end it after only 3 days. The kid’s favorite was the ‘junk food’ one where I let them buy all the junk food they wanted (and we never got) for three days.   They got corndogs, chips, pop, candy, white bread, cereal (sugar kind), and a tone of other treats we don’t normally get.  We only lasted a few days on that one because the older two were literally eating themselves sick.  My son (only 9 at the time) was popping stale jelly beans in his mouth at a steady pace as he laid on the couch moaning because he felt so sick.


My latest experiment is going to be longer than the rest.  For one month we are going to try and see if we can go without groceries.  I am going to try and divide my food storage into twelfths and only eat one twelfths of what we have.  That means if I have 12 cans of pineapple, we would only be able to use one of them.
Three billy goats gruff
Three billy goats gruff
I am excited.  I think it will be really fun.  I had hoped that I would be able to spend the whole summer building up my food storage, raise chickens and plant gardens.  That didn’t happen.  Instead I have spent the whole summer trying to get siding on my house, fix my fences, and put a driveway in.  The only thing I have planted are potato’s and a couple of pumpkins.  I did plant a ton of tomato’s but my son’s goats ate them.  At this rate I am going to end up eating them.  This is going to be very interesting. .