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Bummer Lambs A Delight!! The Good Shepherd!!!

I was so nervous to get my first batch of bummer lambs.

Baby Lambs
Baby Lambs


I only did it because my eleven year old kept begging me, and because the lambs were cheap (30 dollars each).  I researched, and researched the day before they came and finally resorted to expressing my worries on facebook.  Immediately I got messages of reassurance.  A whole bunch of my experienced friends shared their own stories of raising bummer lambs as kids or adults (yah, I have cool friends 🙂  ).

Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm
Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm

I felt much better, especially when they assured me that I DID NOT have to feed them every two hours and during the night.IMG_8012

The lambs came in a small box.  They were so tiny and noisy.  A few were so new that they still were wobbly on their feet.  For the first three nights I put them in my laundry room bathroom.

Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm
Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm

Yucky I know, but I just didn’t want them to be cold and I wanted to be close to them in case they needed me.  I also planned on feeding them ever few hours just like one of the websites said.  Luckily another friend told me after the first night that it was not necessary.

Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm
Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm

I was so happy because I was so tired waking up to feed the little ones.  I did wake up the first two nights (because I felt so sorry for those sweet things) but I didn’t tell my real farmer friends 🙂 –They are so much better than google!!

Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm
Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm

I was worried that the lambs would have to be forced to eat but once again, I worried for nothing.  After the first night, the little lambs eat eagerly and with relish!!

Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm
Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm

They are so pretty.  All different kinds of fur and all different colors.  I absolutely love them.

Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm
Baby Lambs At Aunty Bears Farm

They bring me so much joy watching them, and feeding them.  I now feed them every five hours or so.  They love it and so do I.  I feel so blessed to have them.

The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd

We are just like bummer lambs.  We have left the home we know (heaven) to wander in a strange land alone.  We are small and fragile, but the Lord keeps us close.  He is the good Shepherd.  He loves us and he cares.  Each one of us are different but special.  Our differences are unique and He knows us personally.  I am grateful that I have felt so safe in His loving flock.